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The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed by Temple Grandin



Winner of a Goodreads Choice Award for Best Nonfiction Book

Temple Grandin may be the most famous person with autism, a condition that affects 1 in 88 children. Since her birth in 1947, our understanding of it has undergone a great transformation, leading to more hope than ever before that we may finally learn the causes of and treatments for autism.

Weaving her own experience with remarkable new discoveries, Grandin introduces the advances in neuroimaging and genetic research that link brain science to behavior, even sharing her own brain scan to show which anomalies might explain common symptoms. Most excitingly, she argues that raising and educating kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their long-overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions.

The Autistic Brain brings Grandin’s singular perspective into the heart of the autism revolution.


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